A World With High Efficiency!

Tatbeek provides industrial solutions using IoT, cloud computing, data analytics, and machine learning technologies, to maximize  manufacturers' efficiency and to minimize all wastes, in Egypt, Middle East, and Worldwide.

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TIG-1.0 Gateway

In few days, Tatbeek will release a generic plug and play gateway to monitor and analyze almost manufacturers' machines regardless to the industry, type, age, and model.

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Overall Equipment Effectiveness [OEE]

OEE is a single number, tells the manufacturers how much waste there is on their factory. It is the actual output to theoretical maximum capacity. It is a direct measure of your profitability and return on investment.

FactSense System

FactSense system is a hardware and web platform to measure automatically and display instantly efficiency, Production, and wastes of all machines and operators, using IoT, Cloud, and Data analytics technologies.

Real Time Data

Access Accurate data instantly from anywhere at anytime using any device

One Platform

Monitor all machines, operators, lines, and factories from one dashboard

Conditional Alerts

Receive instant sms and emails for any unusual and urgent issues

Automatic Reports

Receive scheduled reports on time for each shift, day, MTD, and month with analysis

All Machines

Suitable for all machines regardless to their industry, type, model, and age.

Zero Risk

No risk to stop machines a single minute nor access their hardware and software.

Fast Implementation

Go live in one day and start to receive reports and alerts within one week

Data Comparison

Automatic comparisons for all data at any period and actual vs planned 

Accurate Measurements

Accuracy of measurements and calculations is more than 95%

ERP Integration

Integrate with many ERP systems to compare or sending data automatically.

Clear Scope of Work

Define what is in and out of scope

Subscription Model

Can pay per month, quarter, or a year

Fast Support

Within 24 hours

Smart Pricing

Based on business needs and budget

Low Cost

Lower cost of ownership.

One Year Warranty

From acceptance date with free updates 

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